
To Post on Facebook for Lab Activities:

  1. go to
  2. set up an account if you do not already have one  (this is free but will require an email address and a password which you must remember in order to login and logout later on)
  3. search for “Ashlynn Dyk”
  4. be sure you are able to find me–you do not have to add me as a friend and you should not add me or any classmates as a friend if you want to keep your profile private–I only need to be able to see what you post on my wall–you do not have to be a friend to post on my wall
  5. use the wall to post initial responses to assigned lab activities
  6. use the comment feature on individual posts to respond to classmates’ posts and/or to explain videos or photos you have posted

Required Textbook:

Beebe, S.A., Beebe, S.J., & Redmond, M.V. (2009). Interpersonal Communication:  Relating to Others, 6thEd.

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